Over painting, I used masking tape so I would get clean lines, I like how you can see through the paint.
The over painting was supposed to look like a bar code, but the lines aren't clean enough and I don't think the thickness and spacing of the lines is right.
I spread the paint out from the lips with my fingertips, I really like this effect. The eyes are one of the most important features of the face, painting them black makes the subject look demonic, because the eyes tell you so much about a person.
Same technique as before, smudging the paint with the fingertips, even further than before, I really like this image.
Paint smudged with the fingertips, the lips look quite jokerish, I like this idea too
I think the drips are to straight down I think there needs to be more movement in them.
I like how the smear across the eyes tales of on two different directions, I also like the addition of the drips.
Fingerprints on eyes and lips, I like the contrast of the black and white photo and the red paint.
Roller used to apply paint, I like the composition and colour of this image.
Inspired by the work of David Hockney and Oliver Chanarin and Adam Broomberg.
This is the rest if the image that I cut the circles from above.
David Hockney style image. I cut up an A4 size photo and put the face back together I like this technique.
I was going to cut up this photo to make a photo collage, but decided it looked quite good as the slightly separated sections, I add the colour because it makes everything stand out a lot more.
Another photo collage, I like the way it has turned out.
I cut out two similar photos, one in black and one in colour,and reassembled the face using parts of both images, I like the combination of black and white and coloured images.
I like this collage as you can really put the leaf parts back together anyway you want.
Cut out the leaf shapes at the bottom so there wasn't a straight edge, and cut out other central leaves and stuck them at the bottom. I like this idea.
Another photo collage of the full figure this time, I don't think it really works as well as the others.
This is the first image I did with the masking tape, I applied the paint with a roller so I would get the texture. The masking tape got to wet from the paint or I pulled it off to soon and it lifted the surface of the paper. I do like the colour and texture of the paint with the photo and I also like the small areas where the top layes of paper has come of but, to much has come of on the left side.